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The End of the World as we know it

THE END IS NIGH! Just kidding. Although I'm certain many of you are wondering how we are coping with COVID-19. Well after buying some Corona beer and promptly forgetting to buy any limes, we decided apocalypse prepping should probably involve buying some actual food... So we went and bought the limes.

Crazily enough, even with every ski resort shutting down in North America for the foreseeable future, we actually have a decent chunk of orders to start building. So if you need us we will be quarantined in our shop happily building skis till the world actually ends. Unfortunately its looking like we won't get much snow in the foreseeable future so back country skiing will remain rather iffy here in the Hills.

One last thing. Everyone who has bought a pair of our skis has (so far) remained Coronavirus free... So you never know, could be a coincidence... or not.

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